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Showing posts from July, 2020

Some real soft skills which are useful as a developer

I keep hearing more and more that as a software developer you still need soft skills, that soft skills are more important than technical skills and so on. But no one really has any concrete ideas about what these soft skills actually mean as a developer. Everyone just keeps talking about them but I don't see anyone actually going into details about them with concrete examples. Not to mention that a lot of people are just trying to make money out of these things and when they say that soft skills are important it is usually followed by some self advertising about their soft skills trainings. And to make matters worse, some of these preachers, pardon people, don't have a lot of experience in the development field. Some of them are not that good developers and then they say, that not only technical skills matter but also soft skills. Maybe they are not so great developers because they also don't have good enough soft skills also. Now on to the concrete part of soft skills....

Some things about doing presentations that I learned recently

Lately I had to do more presentations ranging from technical ones about various technologies to other presentation about projects that I work on or even tools that I made for developers and testers. I didn't learn a big list of things from them but rather a couple of really important things to keep in mind when doing a presentation. To begin with, as a presenter your purpose is to make people understand what you are explaining first and foremost. I have seen all too many experienced developers trying to impress the audience when presenting something. They use a lot of pompous language, terms and jargon to make things seem more complicated than they really are. This is just to feed their own ego, to send a subliminal message to the crowd over the lines of: "Look at me how good I am, I managed to understand and apply these things which sound really complicated when I tell them". Imagine if they used a more simple language and a language which is less scary and intimid...