I had the chance to dig deeper into how C# handles members in general and came up with some really interesting conclusions. This post is mostly about how C# and the CLR resolves fields and methods calls with the corresponding implications. This is especially good to shut up someone if you do an interview with a know-it-all interviewer.. Actually is it pretty interesting because in C# you can actually have multiple fields with the same name in an object. But there is a small gotcha: you can't declare the duplicate fields in the same class definition. So how can you do this? Well you use inheritance. You can have a simple class that inherits from another base class declaring another field with the exact same name as field from the base class. They will look like this: In this case, what field will be accessed from these duplicate fields? It's actually pretty simple. It depends on how you reference the object. Each object has a type which can be a class, structure or some...