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A bit about .tt templates used in Entity Framework and not only

Most developers that have used Entity Framework will surely have noticed some special files in the project that end in ".tt". These files serve as blueprints for the code that is generated from the Entity Framework mappings which are stored in an xml file ending in ".edmx".

A ".tt" template is similar to the ".cshtml" files used in Asp .Net MVC but instead of rendering html content it renders C# code. By editing these files we can customize how the generated code will look and behave.

For example the partial ".tt" template bellow for each column in a table in the database it generates a property that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to notify subscribers that the object has changed:

This is applied for each column in every table. Using this code we can bind our objects directly to a Windows Presentation Foundation interface after fetching them from the database.

We can also generated backing fields for that property using the following template bellow:

The generated properties along with the generated fields and class will look like this:

You can mix C# code which will get executed in a template with declarative content that will appear as it is in the generated C# code:

The C# code that is executed when the template is evaluated has to be encompassed in special "<#" and "#>" markings. This C# code is separate from the generated C# code and is actually used to output C# code.

If the code returns a simple string value we can use "<#=" to include the string value directly in the generated C# code. Other text that is not encompassed in the special markings mentioned above will appear as it is.

Loops can be used to generate code multiple times. You can have declarative code inside an actual foreach loop in C# code. The declarative code will get multiplied for each element. Bellow you can see an example but it looks a bit confusing at first:

Additionally you can generate multiple files for each table. You can for example generate an abstract data access layer with interfaces that include CRUD methods. So for each table you will have some kind of repository interface like "ITableRepository". And then for these interfaces you can generate actual classes which implement them and return data from the database.

There are probably other ways you can use these templates. Also a downside is that Visual Studio by default does not include syntax highlighting support and actually proper IDE support for editing them.


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