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Repost about job descriptions and what they might actually mean in the worst possible cases

I initially posted this as a post on facebook but decided to also add it here.

Warning, it contains bad language. Still, I won't change it because it suits the context really well. I repeat, it contains bad language. Take it as a bit of a joke with some truth to it.

So over the course of the years, I have listened to a lot of actually bad experiences from various developers and reading between the lines I came up with the following conclusions about job descriptions and what they actually mean sometimes. Most of the time the things listed in the descriptions are alright but sometimes there is something really fishy behind the bullet points on a job description. These pretty much point the worst possible meaning behind them in a funny and sarcastic way.

"Dynamic" or "agile" environment = we are disorganized as fuck so we expect you to figure out by yourself what to do, how to do it and what's important to do. Also, you have to constantly adapt yourself to changing requirements and specifications. You need to be prepared to constantly start over again and again and again and again... And again! Or we will force you to use development method that we aren't too sure if it works. Still, we believe blindly in trends more than we believe in thinking about them critically if they are actually good for us in our case.

+5 years experience in some technologies stuff = We lost an important team member because things went wrong and are crap. So we want a new capable developer as soon as possible because we also have a tight or almost impossible deadline that we need to respect. Or we don't give a shit about you and your development as a software developer. We just want people to build stuff, we don't need him to learn new stuff or become better. And we don't support that either. You might decide to leave us for something better if you learn too much. We don't want that!!

Working with new "bleeding edge technologies" = What we make is so simple and lacks any depth that we can afford to rewrite it n-times with various different technologies because we don't have anything better to do. Or we blindly believe in anything new and "cool" that appears around the corner. We don't care if it's been actually tested by the industry in any way. What is new is always betta!!!

"Devoted", "passionate" or "really passionate" about technologies and programming = we need an A-grade asshole to yell and tell everyone what to do because they are too incompetent to make good decisions by themselves. Also, they have to be micromanaged all the time or else everything goes to hell. Also, a bit of paranoia is necessary and highly recommended to keep the masses under control. The more the better!!

Good "problem solver" and "thinker" = we don't really know what we want to do. We need you to figure out what we should do. Or if you figure out how we can actually make money it's even better. Or we have a client that really doesn't know what he wants so we want you to think for him. We pretty much want you to take care of our company with us taking most of the money. Sorry for that!

"Amazing" work environment = we don't really don't have a lot of good things to say about us, so we say these things. We probably have an open office space to be on the current trend but everyone is crammed tightly in there. We actually chose open spaces since they are cheaper. Walls use a lot of extra space and we expect our developers to always be focused even in environments with a lot of noise.

"Good career path" = we hire a lot of junior or incompetent muppets so we give them junk toy projects that don't matter to work on them by themselves. They feel really important like they are their own "bosses". Eventually, we do let work on the real projects once they stop being incompetent and start being just half-incompetent. If they actually make even a couple of semi-decent decisions by themselves we can let them actually design small parts of the application like a dialogue!! If they are actually good then we put them on the real serious projects. Or we don't really invest in you. We will not grind enough so that you might get some free time actually to improve yourself. But if you think we will actually establish a development plan and an actual career path for you, good luck with that!

Able to work in a stressful environment = We don't really need someone that gets stressed easily. Actually, we don't need anyone that gets stressed at all! Honestly, we are looking for someone who doesn't really give a shit about anything and instead is passionate enough to get the job done because it seems "fun" to him lol. Having a screw loose in the head can be a good thing here too! But we also can't write it like this since it will make us look bad and "immoral". So we use this coded description instead. Those who actually get it are the kind of people we are looking for.


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